02 January 2009

What day is it?

Hey Folks! Glad to see ya.

I woke up this moring not knowing what day of the week it was. Now before you ask, I did not wake up with a hangover, I don't like to drink my points. It's just that with the holidays being on Thursday, I have that extra day off in the week. I am not complaining, it just kind of messes me up. I am glad that I have a 5 day weekend but I tell you after two weeks of that, the week of 5 January is going to hurt...a lot. Well at least I can be thankful to be gainfully employed in a job that I really do love.

I have decided I need to better time manage. I have them broken into groups
1. Work time (hard to mess with since I have a set schedule)
2. School time (on winter break now but I need to get a better schedule for it)
3. Sarah time (My daughter, enough said)
4. Joseph time (my boyfriend, again enough said)
5. Me time
6. House time (Releasing my inner Donna Reed)

Now these are not in order of importance just what I am breaking it down to be. Anyway, I want to get something started now, so that making it all work will get easier. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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